Community action
A Culture of Support
Our company has a strong value of giving back to and building up the communities where we operate and helping those in need wherever they may be. It goes back to the values of the McGough family, which have been passed down through generations, and today we are proud to contribute to a wide range of worthy organizations, both in our hometown of Minneapolis-St. Paul and nationally.

Being part of this business means sharing our talent, knowledge and money to help build up our partners and the next generation of industry workers.

We support local causes, community and civic organizations and local businesses where we work, both in cities where we have an office and around our worksites.

Our people are encouraged and supported in giving back. We organize employee giving activities, match gifts and engage with groups our employees want to support.
Sponsorships and Memberships
Our local offices are woven into the fabric of the communities they serve. They are staffed by local folks who work, play and give in their backyard. We as McGough see ourselves as a part of these communities as well and are always looking for opportunities to support worthy causes and civic engagement, especially when linked to the construction and development industries.
If you know of or represent a group and are looking for a partner in one of the cities where we have an office, reach out to the local office leadership to discuss opportunities for support.